Utilising new and disruptive technologies to change the way buildings are monitored, controlled and optimised.
Utilising new and disruptive technologies to change the way buildings are monitored, controlled and optimised.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more present in our every-day lives whether we know it or not, sensors and devices are all around us whether standalone or embedded within ‘things’ such as cars, mobiles laptops and kitchen appliances. It is now possible to take the optimisation of BeMS systems to a new level by utilising new and disruptive technologies. This gives us more tools and data in our arsenal to improve the way buildings are managed and ultimately optimised.
Sensors are becoming more advanced, smaller, cheaper and more practical for large scale rollout, with applications that are only limited by your own imagination. By placing them in varied locations we can map such elements as buildings usage, occupancy and temperatures, behaviour, targeting low and high usage areas and anomalies in temperature but to mention a few.
Our complete sensing solution for simple, scalable IoT provides a small footprint and unobtrusive sensing with 15+ year battery life where all the devices self-configure to the cloud. These are highly reactive to the environment and occupancy, allowing instant adjustments and changes to be made with ongoing monitoring.
Watch how the sensors work!
With fixed wiring systems sensors may not always be placed in the best place, due to convenience of cable runs, etc., and as a result not fully optimising assets and systems. We may also wish to move sensors around to address hot/cold spots or to improve comfort, well-being and ultimately occupant productivity. Such technology provides new insights that has never previously been available to building operators, landlords and occupiers.
By using IoT technologies, it is possible to optimise smaller or more isolated buildings, without major capital investment or disruption of hardwired systems. They come into their own in buildings of less than 50,000 sq.ft allowing for simple installation and a quicker payback period. When using this technology we are able to link smaller sites to larger BeMS systems and enabling estate wide optimisation
We work closely with end user clients typically becoming an outsourced extension of their own energy team delivering a range of services specific to their needs. As a one stop shop we focus on clients needs whilst also procuring our services through FM's, managing agents and strategic partnerships.
Innovation - we use best of breed technologies in the market integrating these with processes where business benefits can be derived. our partnerships with some of the best tech providers in our industry enable us to deliver innovation to our clients with quantifiable business value.
Buildings will become more intelligent at a local level, learning the behaviour of the occupants, reacting to their changing requirements. Systems will be linked and ‘speak’ to one-another, co-ordinating the intuitive learned information and taking onboard user intervention. Room booking systems will tell us when and what a room is to be used for and alter the environment accordingly.
The opportunities are immense and diverse for systems to be streamlined. Overall the technology will enable us to operate facilities more efficiently, deliver an improved working environment for the occupants, while meeting compliance and legislation requirements
The net result for most clients is that we deliver energy savings equating to 20-25% of the HVAC consumption and deliver an ROI of less than 12 months.
We will work with you to find the right solution to maximise the value and business outcome for your needs. This will include understanding your business challenges to trials and development of the business case for a wider rollout. We provide the sensing technology, analytics portals, insights and integration to other applications where value can be derived from the data.
Once your solution is deployed we can also provide you a managed service to manage your sensors, data and insights as your service provider. Our deep knowledge or buildings, HVAC, controls, BeMS and integration means we are in a great place to help you develop your IoT aspirations and turn them into reality
Discover inside knowledge on how IoT technology creates new
opportunities, applications and business cases to optimise facilities.
Discover inside knowledge on how IoT technology creates new
opportunities, applications and business cases to optimise facilities.
1 Ivanhoe Office Park
Ivanhoe Park Way
Ashby de la Zouch
Leicestershire, LE65 2AB
Lancaster House
Amy Johnson Way
Blackpool, FY4 2RP
Hanover House
Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol, BS1 4EX
The Oast
62 Bell Road
Kent, ME10 4HE